Monday, February 4, 2013

Flipped PD_CEP 812 General Outline of Assignments + Drafts of Storyboard and Presentation

Plan for video:
1. Teachers will be able to create and open a Google wp doc
2. They will be able to understand and use basic functions of Google docs
3. They will learn how to share the document with other people and communicate while working with others/collaborating
4. They will learn to share, review revision history, add a link, change privacy settings
5. Teachers will, at the end of this Flipped PD, understand how to use Google Doc and understand the benefits to students over a normal word document

1. Purposes of Google docs over a traditional word doc/general uses for teachers (Emily)
2. Craig’s screenshots of opening a doc
3. Video of student doing the same--talks through how to open one, talks through how to share (Emily)
4. Screenshots of sharing a document, and other basic functions (Jason)
5. Linking in the document  (Katie)
6.  Changing Privacy Settings  (Katie)
7.  Revision History  (Katie)
5. Check for understanding task ??  Poll, Quiz?  Insert Google Form?  Have teachers “create” a google doc and share with the PD instructors? Post questions they still have?   Questions in the google doc.??  otherwise, post where?  They could put them in the Google Doc that is shared or they could post them in a Google Form like you suggested?

Draft of Storyboard

Draft of Flipped PD

Script for Beginning Slides

Beginning Slides

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